Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ah...How True It Is...

Here is a great quote from Mike Huckabee (and no, this is not an endorsement...just a good quote that struck a chord with my experience).

"In one of the first churches I was assigned to, I thought I was supposed to be the captain of a warship leading the congregation into a battle against spiritual darkness," he said."But they wanted the captain of the Love Boat. They just wanted everybody to be happy. It was not about how many people were won to Christ or how many teens were pulled away from drugs or how many marriages were saved. Instead, it was about the seniors having a great trip going to watch the fall leaves change, the teen-agers going to a better summer camp than the church across town."


Anonymous said...

That's what I loved about you being at Holy Spirit, Fr. C. You said what needed to be said, even if you knew you weren't going to win a popularity contest. We don't have time to wait around on the Love Boat while our children are being educated straight to hell and the adults grow more and more complacent.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't exactly call Fr. Morgan the captain of the Love Boat! But the point is well-made: Fr. Dana tells it like it is! -- AJF

Anonymous said...

"Let your light shine...But how shall we recognize what is the light? The criteria is plain: (Matthew 5:1-10) The light is in those who are poor in spirit and gentle, who mourn over the suffering of the world and thirst for justice; who are merciful and pure of heart; who are peacemakers and persecuted for the cause of right" - Sister Joan Chittister

colleen said...


What a great quote. In light of everything out there these days, maybe being a captain (of either boat) isn't really a bad deal after all.