Tuesday, September 11, 2007

From The Desk of the Pastor

From this weeks Bulletin:

Many of you may remember that Bishop Swain, in his homily during the Installation Mass this past August 15th, said that he knows that I have a great love for the Sacred Liturgy. Boy, did he hit the nail on the head. As I think most of you have already come to know, I do indeed have a great love for the Liturgy, and I will certainly try my best to ensure that our Liturgies here at St. Rose of Lima are always done with utmost reverence, devotion, and respect for the Tradition of the Church. With that in mind, I thought it would be useful for all of us, myself included, to begin exploring the various parts of the Mass and to answer the question “Why do we do that?” We will do this through these little letters in the bulletin. Starting next week, I will begin a series on the parts of the Mass. Hopefully it will provide answers to all of the questions you may have about why we do what we do. It will also be an opportunity to delve into a dialogue and conversation about how we, as a parish family, can continue to enter more deeply into the liturgies we celebrate here at St. Rose.

To facilitate this, next week when you come to Sunday Mass there will be a box in the entry way to the Annex where you can put questions of a liturgical nature which I will then try to answer over time in the bulletin. I may not answer all of them right away, but I will eventually get to them all. And if there are no questions, I will begin systematically working my way through the Mass, explaining what happens and why.

I hope this will be of benefit to all of us as we seek to make our worship into a beautiful and pleasing gift to God.

I also want to encourage everyone to feel free to contact me personally with any questions and concerns that you may have. I am always open to discussing our parish and its needs with anyone.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Fr. Dana ~

Great idea! If you ever need a canonical perspective on any of these, don't hesitate.

Father Christensen said...

Oh don't worry. You (if you are who I think you are) are still considered my personal canon lawyer.

By the way, what did you think of our beloved Archbishop Burkes recent document on Canon 915?

Anonymous said...

'Tis I, whom you suspect.

Shamefully, I admit that I have not yet read his article on c. 915; it was published in Perioda de re canonica, that major canonical publication from the Gregoriana. I was excited to see that we now have his thoughts in published form with an international audience.

Anonymous said...

That should be Periodica, not Perioda.

Father Christensen said...

Being the great canon lawyer you are I am suprised you would make such an "amature" mistake...


Anonymous said...

mea culpa...
