Recently I was talking to someone who was very troubled by the current moral and spiritual situation in the world. As politicians seem to be allowing, and in some cases openly promoting, immorality, many people are losing hope. In some way, I think we can all identify with this persons fears and concerns. Then, I came across a touching and encouraging passage from St. Faustina’s Diary on a blog I read regularly, so I thought I might share it with you.
In this passage, St. Faustina is recounting words spoken to her by our Lord. He said
I encourage you to take this passage to prayer and let the Lord stir up in your heart courage and a spirit of fearlessness so that we can fight the good fight and never give up.
In this passage, St. Faustina is recounting words spoken to her by our Lord. He said
“My daughter, I want to teach you about spiritual warfare. Never trust in yourself, but abandon yourself totally to My will…Do not bargain with any temptation; lock yourself immediately in My Heart and, at the first opportunity, reveal the temptation to the confessor. Put your self-love in the last place, so that it does not taint your deeds. Bear with yourself with great patience. Do not neglect interior mortifications… Shun murmurers like a plague. Let all act as they like; you are to act as I want you to.
…If someone causes you trouble, think what good you can do for the person who caused you to suffer. Do not pour out your feelings. Be silent when you are rebuked. Do not ask everyone’s opinion, but only the opinion of your confessor; be as frank and simple as a child with him. Do not become discouraged by ingratitude. Do not examine with curiosity the roads down which I lead you. When boredom and discouragement beat against your heart, run away from yourself and hide in My heart. Do not fear struggle; courage itself often intimidates temptations, and they dare not attack us.
Always fight with the deep conviction that I am with you. Do not be guided by feeling, because it is not always under your control; but all merit lies in the will… I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations; on the contrary, prepare for great battles. Know that you are now on a great stage where all heaven and earth are watching you. Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful, because you are not alone. —Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul, n. 1760 (emphasis added)
I encourage you to take this passage to prayer and let the Lord stir up in your heart courage and a spirit of fearlessness so that we can fight the good fight and never give up.
Thank you. So needed those words as the struggle has been there. Hope your schooling goes well.
Thank you Father.
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